
tariff quota中文什么意思

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  • 关税配额
  • 关税限额
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  1. The economic theory and policy study on tariff quotas
  2. The influence from cotton ' s tariff quota on chinese laws and policies
  3. Article 31 a holder of tariff quotas who has not used up its quotas for the year shall return the unused quotas to the administrative departments of import quotas prior to september 15 of the current year
  4. Article 30 the import business operators shall present its certificate of tariff quotas issued by the administrative departments of import tariff quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination of the goods within the tariff quotas
  5. Article 2 : these regulations shall govern the determination of the origin of imports and exports in relation to non - preferential trade measures , such as in the application of most - favoured - nation treatment , anti - dumping and countervailing duties , safeguard measures , origin marking requirements , discriminatory quantitative restrictions and tariff quotas as well as in relation to activities such as government procurement and trade statistics




  1. tariff policy 什么意思
  2. tariff policy committee 什么意思
  3. tariff preference 什么意思
  4. tariff premium 什么意思
  5. tariff protection 什么意思
  6. tariff quota at a reduced rate of duty 什么意思
  7. tariff quota system 什么意思
  8. tariff quotas 什么意思
  9. tariff rate 什么意思
  10. tariff rate quota 什么意思


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